Clogged Drains

Drain and Bathroom Services in Cincinnati, OH

Whether you’re an established home builder or a homeowner interested in remodeling, Joe Klosterman Plumbing Inc. is the plumbing company for you


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Since 1983, Joe Klosterman Plumbing Inc. has proudly been serving the Cincinnati area.  Specializing in plumbing repair, replacement, and installment services, we are a family owned and operated plumbing and repair business that  Call (513) 941-6766 our professionals today to find out how we can service your plumbing needs. 

Drain Repair

A broken drain is not always easy to detect and can be easily confused with a simple blockage. When left unattended, a broken drain can put you at risk for possible flooding of water or sewage that can severely damage your house or business and cost you time and money to fix. Call us today and let our drain specialists properly assess your situation and determine whether or not you face a more serious problem with your drain that might need to be repaired. 

Our plumbing  drain repair services include but are not limited to:
  • shower drain repair
  • sink drain repair
  • tub drain repair 

Clogged Drain 

Is your kitchen drain not draining properly? Have no fear! Our plumbing professionals will come to the rescue. 
Let us resolve minor drain issues with drain cleaning before a major backup occurs. Our licensed and professional technicians have the latest drain cleaning equipment to solve your problem.

Clogged drains are a serious nuisance and can slow daily chores.  In additional it can leave unwanted residue behind causing all sorts of other problems. If you have signs of clogged drains including the following call us today:

  • Pools of water form on the floor close to the sink or bathtub
  • Water backs up out of the sink drain
  • Water drains very slowly
  • Odor coming from any of your drains

Call Us Today! (513) 941-6766

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